Monday, February 25, 2008

Instructions Are Important

Last week I went to Mexico for 5 days. While on the plane from Charlotte to Houston I surveyed the contents in the pocket of the seat in front of me. After reading Skymall magazine...twice [seriously how many versions of waterproof ipod speaks are necessary?], I turned to the only remaining literature to be read; the airsick bag.

The instructions...which lets face it -if I'm scrambling to find a place to contain my breakfast, I don't know that I'm going to take the time to read the instructions. But anyway,

The instructions were bilingual. The English instructions were comprised of 4 steps:

1.) Open Bag
2.) Throw up in bag
3.) Seal bag with tabs
4.) Call flight attendant for disposal

The Spanish instructions had only 2 steps to the instructions:

1.) Throw up in bag
2.) Seal bag with tabs

Conclusions: The Spanish speaking population is smart enough to know that 1.) Vomit goes in the bag not on it, 2.) Calling a woman to surprise her with a bag full of vomit is a bad idea.

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog. And this particular outing is emblematic of why I will hope against hope that you update it a little more frequently in the future.
